
Speak Declarative Sentences As Questions

Declarative Sentence (statement)

You lot're gonna need a bigger boat.Martin Brody, Jaws

Declarative sentences are the most mutual of the iv sentence types (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative).

Declarative sentences make statements.

grade function example
subject + verb... make a statement John likes Mary.
declarative sentence = statement

What is the form of a declarative judgement?

The typical form (structure) of a declarative judgement is:

subject area + verb
Ram speaks Chinese.

The final punctuation is usually a full-stop/menstruation (.).

Declarative sentences can be in positive or negative class, and in whatever tense.

What is the role of a declarative judgement?

The usual function (job) of a declarative sentence is to make a statement. It tells us something or gives information (as opposed to a question which asks us something or wants data).

Await at these examples:

  • Snowfall is white.
  • John was working all night.
  • Very few people have really met an alien.

How do we employ a declarative judgement?

We use declarative sentences all the time. They are the most common of all sentence types. The iii sentences in this paragraph are declarative sentences.

Look at these positive and negative examples:

positive negative
Ii plus two makes iv. Two plus two doesn't make five.
I like coffee. I do not like coffee.
We watched Television last night. We didn't watch Boob tube last night.
People volition get to Mars in the next decade. People will never become to Mars.
They have been married for over xxx years. They haven't lived together for over thirty years.

Other functions with declarative form

Information technology is important to separate form (structure) from function (job).

The form of a declarative sentence is subject-verb.

The function of a declarative judgement is normally to make a statement. But not always! Sometimes it can ask a question, requite a command or even limited emotion.

The following sentence is in declarative course (it looks like a statement, except for the punctuation) merely is actually asking a question (normally washed with the interrogative form):

  • Anthony likes coffee? (existent interrogative form → Does Anthony similar coffee?)

This is more than common in spoken English language than in written English.

Here is some other example of a sentence in declarative form. This fourth dimension it looks similar a statement but is actually giving a control (unremarkably done with the imperative form):

  • You will now open your books. (real imperative form → Open your books!)

The next sentence is again in declarative form. This time information technology looks like a statement (except for the punctuation) just is actually making an exclamation (which can also be done with the exclamative course):

  • Bangkok was hot! (real exclamative course → How hot Bangkok was!)
Bangkok was hot. makes a statement
All the sentences ⇑⇓ have the aforementioned form (declarative — field of study-verb)... ...simply ⇑⇓ different functions... ...normally expressed with ...for example
Bangkok was hot? asks a question interrogative Was Bangkok hot?
Bangkok was hot! expresses emotion exclamative How hot Bangkok was!
You volition now sit. issues a command imperative Sit!

Contributor: Josef Essberger

Speak Declarative Sentences As Questions,


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