A systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a frame work for describing the phases of developing information systems.

  • nursing informatics is the nursing specialty exercise that "integrates nursing science, reckoner science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, noesis, and wisdom in nursing practise" (ANA 2008).
  • the standards of nursing informatics practice:
    • assessment
    • problem identification
    • outcomes identification
    • planning
    • implementation (coordination of activities, teaching/ promotion/ instruction, consultation)
    • evaluation
  • The SDLC contains:
    • initiation, analysis, design, implementation, and continuous improvement of support
    • The nurse informatician working on tasks in the design stage of the Systems Development Life Bike uses the findings of the –Analysis phase equally a blue print– the findings and plans adult in the analysis phase provide the guide for the design phase of the SDLC

The information science specialist is in a unique position to promote the integration of consumer computer science into the mainstream of health intendance delivery. true statement about the nurse informatics clinical specialist? –the nurse computer science clinical specialist can exist role of the life cycle process. — with the increment in wellness intendance technology, the incorporation of a nurse information science specialist can help to provide patients and nurses the tools to sympathise the use of engineering and promote the widespread adoption of consumer informatics.

  1. Planning — Needs assessment is the first step/ phase of the information organisation life wheel. organizational goals are set based upon a needs assessment. The kickoff stride is for management to agree on the upcoming needs of the organization. These needs may exist long term, short term, or a combination of both. once the needs accept been determined, performance goals for individuals and teams should be set to meet the organization's needs. It is of import that the individual goals are specific, measureable, and time based. The goals should be distributed across the system to align efforts in coming together the core needs. Regular milestones should also be prepare to clinch that progress is beingness made.
    • identification of an system'south goals and objectives is a critical factor in fulfilling the mission.
    • the goals and objectives explain how the mission will be realized
      • a goal is an open-ended argument that describes in general terms what is to be accomplished
        • the ability to achieve divers goals is especially of import in the rapidly changing healthcare environment as hospitals merge into large enterprises and services evolve to meet irresolute needs. Prior to writing goals and objectives, administrators need to communicate the vision and mission to employees in a manner that elicits understanding and buy-in.
      • objectives state how and when an organization will run across its goals.
    • Planning:
      • The strategic planning teams first identified, then actual planning process can begin. Identifying the goals and telescopic is the 2nd footstep in strategic planning.
      • the goals of the project must meet the needs of the users likewise as support the mission and goals of the institution.
      • Scanning the external and Internal environments–needs cess.
      • after data have been collected during the needs assessment, the project implementation team must perform analysis, identifying trends in the current operations also as future needs and expectations, and determine feasibility from technical, financial, fourth dimension, and resource perspectives.
        • a feasibility study will aid to define the problems that the new information system is expected to address. Information technology will too answer questions regarding cost, goals, and specific outcomes. Some specific questions may include
          • how will the outcome be measured?
          • what research has been done to dorsum upwardly the proposal?
          • what are the risks in terms of people, money, and fourth dimension?
          • how long will the implementation take and what volition be involved?
          • volition the project crave dedicated staff members, contractors, or a combination of both?
          • Your unit is in the process of making a major modify in patient care delivery. Data has been nerveless; the driving and restraining forces, including costs, desirability, and feasibility, have been examined. which result related to modify has the unit addressed? –structural upshot–
            • structural issues include the costs, desirability, and feasibility of the change project
            • political issues include the ability groups in favor of or against the proposed change.
            • technology issues may include new, upwards-to-appointment equipment
            • people issues include the commitment of the staff, their level of education and grooming, and their interest in the project.
  2. The nurse informaticist is aware that the assay phase answers the question of what the system will do, while the design stage addresses: how will it work?
    • Gap analysis –examines the space between where the organisation is and where it wants to be (is the different betwixt the ideal and real situations), an assessment of the differences between the expected magnet requirements and the organization's current performance on these requirements. Performance gap assessment is a strategy of demonstrating an opportunity for improvement at baseline outlining current exercise related to specific indicators. This is helpful in encouraging commitment for practice changes.
    • gap assay is a method used to decide the steps required to move from a current country or actual performance or situation to a new one or potential functioning or situation and the "gap" between the two that requires action or resources.
    • Essentially gap assay answers the questions "What is our current situation?" and "What do we desire information technology to become?" "Gap analysis includes the determination of the resources and fourth dimension required to achieve the target goal. Steps to gap analysis include:
      • assessing the current situation and listing of import factors, such every bit operation levels, costs, staffing, and satisfaction, and all procedures
      • identifying the current outcomes of the processes in place
      • identifying the target outcomes for projected processes
      • outlining the procedure required to achieve target outcomes
      • identifying the gaps that are present betwixt the current procedure and goal
      • identifying resources and methods to close the gaps.
        • Which of the following questions should be considered in the hospital gap analysis survey of safety and security readiness in the event of a disaster?
          • does the facility take a lockdown program in case of emergency?
          • do y'all have a programme for allowing staff entry into the facility during an emergency?
          • dose the facility have emergency powered phones in case of a disaster?
          • assessing the clinical operations readiness in the gap analysis survey can be answered by request some of the post-obit questions:
            • Does the facility take procedures in place to maximize staff safe in a disaster?
            • Does the facility have procedures in place for use of PPE?
            • Can the facility track patients until discharge or death while maintaining confidentiality?
    • Risk analysis : needs to be washed at the beginning of the project and continue throughout the process. This is like to an assessment –what are the existent and potential risks and problems, and what is the program to prevent them?–
      • Proactive risk mitigation rather than reactive recovery efforts:
        • 24/7 operation and operation with redundances throughout the arrangement, failovers, and tested loftier reliability
        • tools to assist in monitoring and managing the IT environs, monitor system utilize, and place engineering issues before organization failure occurs
        • scalable Information technology solutions as more clinical applications come online
        • solutions that IT departments can manage without in-depth engineering expertise
        • implementation of wellness data exchanges (HIEs) to facilitate the sharing of patient information
      • David Hillson managing project take chances:
        • "…management of overall project risk becomes a shared duty of both project sponsor and project manager, acting in partnership to ensure that the project has the optimal chance of achieving its objectives inside the commanded hazard threshold. Successful management of take chances at this whole-project level therefore depends largely on the effectiveness of the working relationship betwixt these two key players. "
        • bridging the strategy and tactics gap to ensure that project delivery is tied to organizational needs and vision
        • focusing projects on the benefits they exist to support, rather than producing a set of deliverables
        • managing opportunities proactively every bit an integral part of business process at both strategic and tactical levels
        • providing useful data to determination makers at all levels when the surroundings is uncertain
        • allowing an appropriate level of risk to be taken intelligently with full awareness of the degree of dubiousness and its potential effects on objectives
      • Planning risk management: the procedure of deciding how to approach risk management activities and plan for them in a project
        • output–Take a chance direction plan: documents the procedures for managing risk throughout the project. — information technology is important to clarify roles and responsibilities, set budget and schedule estimate for risk-related work, and identify gamble categories for consideration. it is also of import to describe how risk management will be done, including assessment of hazard probabilities and impacts as well as the creation of chance-related documentation.
          • contingency plans
          • fallback plans
          • contingency reserves
          • management reserves
        • Mutual sources of chance on Information technology projects: Business, Technical, Organizational, Project management.
      • Identifying risks: the procedure of understanding what potential events might hurt or enhance a item project.
        • brainstorming
        • delphi technique
        • interviewing
        • SWOT assay (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
        • checklists
        • assumptions
        • diagrams
        • Output–risks identified / risk annals : is a document that contains results of various risk management processes; it is oftentimes displayed in a table or spreadsheet format.
          • an identification number for each risk event
          • a rank for each gamble event
          • the name of the risk effect
          • a description of the hazard event
          • the category under which the risk even falls
          • the root cause of the risk
          • triggers for each risk
          • potential responses to each take a chance
          • the risk possessor or person who volition take responsibility for the chance
          • the probability of the hazard occurring
          • the bear on to the project if the risk occurs
          • the status of the risk
      • Performing qualitative risk assay: assessing the likelyhood and affect of identified risks to adamant their magnitude and priority.
      • Performing quantitative take chances analysis
      • Planning adventure responses
        • risk avoidance: eliminating a specific threat, usually by eliminating its causes
        • risk acceptance: accepting the consequences if a risk occurs (having contingency or fill-in plan)
        • risk transference: shifting the event of a risk and responsibility for its management to a third party
        • hazard mitigation: reducing the bear upon of the risk event by reducing the probability of its occurrence
        • Four basic response strategies for positive risks:
          • risk exploitation: doing whatsoever you can to brand sure the positive risk happens
          • take chances sharing: allocating ownership of the gamble to another party
          • risk enhancement: changing the size of the opportunity by identifying and maximizing key drivers of the positive risk.
          • adventure acceptance
      • Controlling risks
        • workarounds – unplanned responses to chance events, when they do not have contingency plans in place
        • Using software to assist in project risk direction

The assay phase of the arrangement evolution life cycle leads directly into the design phase.

To be Cont. …

Resources Retrieved from book reading as follow:

Essentials of Nursing Informatics 5th ed.

Essentials of Nursing Computer science, 6th Edition

Handbook of Computer science for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals 5th ed.

Information technology Project Direction 8th ed.

Scope and Standards of Do Nursing Informatics 2nd ed.